
Wexford CSA Moves to School Cash Online Beginning September 2017

Letter from Mr. Lazarou about School Cash Online

Instructions on Registering for School Cash Online

The Toronto District School Board has launched School Cash Online - an easy to use, safe and convenient way for parents/guardians to pay for their children's school fees, including agendas, yearbooks and class trips.  School Cash Online is available to parents of Wexford CSA students now.

To register for School Cash Online, please visit the TDSB's School Cash Online website, select “Get Started Today” and complete the three registration steps. Once registered, you will receive an email notification when items become available for purchase online.

Please take advantage of the online registration early to avoid long lineups at the school in September.

Have more questions?

Update - Summer School Registrations and Course Cancellations


July e-learning Registration is now closed.  Enrolled students should check e-mails for information on the upcoming mandatory orientation as well as log-in information.

August e-learning Registration closes July 11, 2017.


Day Summer School:

The list of available day summer school courses has been updated as some courses have been cancelled.  Please click here for the list of cancelled day summer school courses.