
Registration Open - TDSB Day Summer School

TDSB Day Summer School registration opens May 2nd, 2018 for upgrading (remedial) courses as well as full credit courses.  There are 17 sites for students 20 and under across the TDSB. 

Click on the chart on the right to view the list of course offerings and sites.

Students are expected to be on time and in attendance for all classes in the 19 day program (from July 3 - July 27).  Upgrading and transfer courses are half day programs and new credit courses are for the full day.


Key Dates:

May 2 - Online Registration Opens

June 14 - List of cancelled courses posted (due to low enrollment)

June 27 @ 2:00pm - Online Registration Closes

July 3 - Summer School Begins

July 25 - Final Culminating Actvities

July 26 - Mark Verification

July 27 - Report Card Pickup (Final Report Cards are not mailed home.)

Letter Re: Fire Alarm at Wexford - April 24, 2018

Letter Re: Fire Alarm at Wexford - April 24, 2018

Dear Parents/Guardians,

This morning, at approximately 10:45 am, the fire alarm sounded at our school after the smell of smoke was detected inside the building.  We had staff and students immediately exit the building.  Toronto Fire and Police Services were called and quickly arrived on scene to investigate the cause. It was determined the smoke was coming from the north parking lot stairwell but the cause is still under investigation.  

We remained outside until 1:20 pm, at which time we were advised by Toronto Fire that students and staff could re-enter a designated area of the building.  Due to the smell of smoke throughout certain areas of the building, students and staff remained in the cafeteria until dismissal while Toronto Fire crews retrieved personal items from classrooms for students and staff.  It is anticipated that classes will resume tomorrow and when students will have access to their lockers.

As you know, the safety of our students is a top priority at Wexford CSA. We followed appropriate TDSB policies to ensure the safety and well-being of our students. The response and cooperation from our students and teachers was exceptional and I want to commend them for their actions.  Staff calmly led students out of the school and ensured that everyone was safe and accounted for.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 416-396-6874.


Tom Lazarou,