
Vice-Principal Ms. Lesley Gage Moving to Monarch Park CI

Letter from Trustee David Smith and Superintendent Peter Chang

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Dear Students, Staff and Parents/Guardians of Wexford Collegiate School for the Arts,

On behalf of the Toronto District School Board, we take this opportunity to inform you that on Wednesday, June 20, 2018 the Board approved a series of Principal/Vice-Principal transfers and placements. As a result of the transfer process, there will be an administrative change at your school effective September 1, 2018.

We would like to take this opportunity to let you know that Vice-Principal, Ms. Lesley Gage, has been transferred as Vice-Principal to Monarch Park  Collegiate  Institute.  We  appreciate  the strong leadership that Ms. Gage has provided at Wexford Collegiate School for the Arts over the course of the past four years. She has persistently shown compassion and constant advocacy on behalf of students and staff at the school. We know that you will join us in wishing Ms. Gage all the very best at her new school.

At the same meeting, the Board approved the transfer of Ms. Paula Pink-Grant to the position of Vice-Principal of Wexford Collegiate School for the Arts.

Ms. Pink-Grant brings a wealth of experience and knowledge, having been most recently the Vice­ Principal at Cedarbrae Collegiate Institute.  She is a collaborative leader who works with others to achieve the greatest success for students with a strong commitment to greater equity and student voice, relationship building and educational partnerships.

Please join us in welcoming Paula Pink-Grant as Vice-Principal to the Wexford Collegiate School for the Arts community.

Wexford CSA Forecast for June 18 - 29

This is the last Friday Forecast for the 2017-2018 school year!

Please note for Wednesday, June 27:

* Yearbook Distribution in the Cafeteria - 9:00 - 11:30 A.M.

* Mark Return

P1 8:50 – 9:25 P2 9:30 – 10:10

P3 10:15 – 10:50 P4 10:55 – 11:30


* Summer School Sign-up in the Library

* June 27th – Deadline to Register for Credit Course Summer School courses


Final report cards will be available for pickup at the school on Thursday July 5th.