
2019 Stewart E. Allen Education Trust Application Now Available Online

The STEWART E. ALLEN EDUCATION TRUST was established in 2011 by the generous personal contribution and vision of Mr. Stewart E. Allen. The program is designed to recognize outstanding students with a strong desire and commitment to post secondary education and a passion for the pursuit of learning. The ideal candidate will be interested in, but not limited to, Business and/or Entrepreneurship as a field of study however, may be lacking the means by which to fulfill their ambition of obtaining a degree and making positive contributions to our communities. 

Awards that will be available to successful candidates are a $1000 Book Bursary up to full Scholarships for Tuition and Books.

The student applicant must satisfy eligibility criteria including maintaining a minimum of 80% average during the preceding two years of study, disclosure of financial needs, and a willingness to meet with the Selection Panel during the application process and to be accountable in reporting academic progress throughout the term of the scholarship, should the candidate be successful in achieving a monetary award. 


• 80% average maintained over preceding 2 years of study (Credit Counseling require for proof, and the Trust may request an official Transcript at any time)
• Financial needs disclosure
• Must attend full time recognized post secondary institution
• Must maintain full course load
• Must maintain good academic standing
• Willing to meet with the Trustees during the selection process
• Willing to be accountable and communicate in writing, your marks and course changes and overall general progress through the duration of the scholarship (generally, one written report per semester, see Appendix II)
• Application deadline will be January 15th at 11:59PM