
Upcoming Wexford Performing Arts Events

On October 29 and 30 @ 7:30pm, we have our fall WPA Focus showcase.

Then, on November 6 and 7 @ 7:30pm, the Grade 12 Drama Focus students are performing Thronton Wilder’s Our Town - directed by Jordan Pettle.

Tickets are available in front of the auditorium on regular school days from 11:30am to 12:15pm.

Focus Poster 2019 8.5 x 11 2.jpg

2019 Our Town poster final.jpg

Grade 12 Illustration Students Selected for 2019 Pickering Community Banner Program

Our VMA students are at it again! Four of our Grade 12 Illustration students had their works selected for the 2019 City of Pickering Community Banner Program. Their banners will be installed throughout Pickering City Centre in early December 2019. Congratulations to Josh Morrow, A.J. Servillon, Natasha Teufel, and Tyanna Wright!

Josh Morrow

Josh Morrow

A.J. Servillon

A.J. Servillon

Natasha Teufel

Natasha Teufel

Tyanna Wright

Tyanna Wright

The Pickering Community Banner Program 2019 Selections can be seen here: https://www.pickering.ca/en/discovering/resources/Community-Banner-Program---2019-Winners-Package-Final.pdf

From: https://www.pickering.ca/en/discovering/community-banners.aspx

The City of Pickering is undertaking the launch of an Annual Community Banner Program, celebrating the culture, heritage, and beauty in our City Centre. The City of Pickering invites Canadian artists of all ages, to submit artwork to be reproduced on a banner and hung for a period of one year. Submissions may be a single or multi-media, and speak to the theme: Live, Work, Play, Inspire.

A total of 24 Community banners have been selected through the open call for art. Selected artwork will be professionally reproduced, double-sided on single banner; and returned to the artist. Banners will be installed throughout City Centre (Esplanade North, Esplanade South, Valley Farm Road, Glenanna Road, Kingston Road) in early December 2019.

Wexford Gleeks with Rufus Wainwright @ 4th Adrienne Clarkson Prize for Global Citizenship

Our Wexford Gleeks performed with Rufus Wainwright on September 25, 2019 at Koerner Hall in a special evening honouring General Romeo Dallaire.

The Adrienne Clarkson Prize for Global Citizenship is awarded annually to a leader whose life work has demonstrated a steadfast commitment to the ideals of belonging and inclusion. Through words, actions and results, recipients encourage thought, dialogue, approaches, and strategies that strive to remove barriers, change attitudes, and reinforce the principles of tolerance and respect.

The 2019 laureate is Lieutenant-General (ret) The Honourable Roméo A. Dallaire. General Dallaire is best known for serving as Force Commander of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda prior to and during the 1994 genocide.

6 Degrees Toronto is a project of the Institute for Canadian Citizenship.

ICC/Alyssa K Faoro

ICC/Alyssa K Faoro

ICC/Castle City Photos

ICC/Castle City Photos

ICC/Alyssa K Faoro

ICC/Alyssa K Faoro

ICC/Castle City Photos

ICC/Castle City Photos

Peggy Baker visits Wexford Dancers

Wexford Performing Arts had the privilege of hosting Canadian Dance icon Ms Peggy Baker and some of her dancers on October 1, 2019. 

The dancers performed three excerpts of larger works with Ms Baker explaining her career and  growth as a dance artist, the process she undertakes when creating her dances and her connection to music she used.  

The students also had the opportunity to ask questions to Peggy and the dancers which gave them even greater insight into the dedication, determination and passion required to be a young  working artist. 

It was a day we will not forget.
