To the Wexford CSA School Council and Community:
On behalf of the Toronto District School Board, we wish to inform you that your Principal, Marg Kerr, will be retiring.
As you know, Ms. Kerr has provided strong and caring leadership to the Wexford CSA school and community. Students, staff, parents and community members have recognized the wide range of knowledge and expertise as well as the passionate commitment that she has brought to Wexford CSA. We know that you will join us in wishing her a happy and healthy retirement.
At its December 11, 2013 meeting, the Toronto District School Board approved a series of transfers and promotions of school administrators within the system. On behalf of the Board, we wish to inform you that Tom Lazarou, currently Principal at Sir Oliver Mowat Collegiate Institute, will be transferred to Wexford CSA as Principal. This transfer will take effect January 31, 2014.
Tom Lazarou is an experienced administrator and educational leader. He brings a wealth of experience to his role and is a strong advocate for students, staff and community. He is committed to establishing an inclusive, respectful and equitable school culture and is committed to student success. We are certain that you will enjoy working with Mr. Lazarou and that Wexford CSA will benefit from his leadership.
We welcome Mr. Lazarou and look forward to working with him as part of the administrative team at Wexford CSA.
David Smith - Trustee, Ward 19 Nadira Persaud - Superintendent of Education, ER12 Family of Schools