Cooperative Education – Summer 2017
Are you a current TDSB student interested in earning credits while gaining work experience? Consider Summer School Cooperative Education.
Summer School Co-op provides you with the opportunity to:
- explore a career
- develop marketable skills
- gain work experience and references
- bridge the gap between school and work or school and post-secondary education
- earn a credit
Sample placements:
Auto Mechanic, Business/Clerical, Computer Repair & Refurbishing, Data Entry, Fashion, Food Service, Graphic Arts, Hospitality & Tourism, Marketing, Office Administration, Optometrist, Photography, Veterinary Assistant
Note: There are NO placements in hospitals or policing
Who is Eligible?
The program is open to all current TDSB students 16 years of age and older who are not enrolled in a Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) program.
Students enrolled in a Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) program are required to complete a 2-credit co-op component of the program during the school year. The summer program is therefore not open to students in SHSM programs.
TDSB students 16 years of age and older who have secured summer employment may use their summer job as a co-op placement. Please note that the employer must agree to co-op placement. A completed copy of the Paid Co-op Placement and Employer Information Form must accompany the application.
- students must be willing to travel to placements within the City of Toronto
- students must be available to attend the full program from July 4 through July 28, 2017.
How do I apply?
Submit a completed application form, along with a copy of your resumé to the Continuing Education Department at by Friday, March 24, 2017, subject line: Summer Co-op
Summer 2017 Co-op Application Form
Paid Co-op Placement Employer Form
Applications received after the deadline cannot be considered.
The Summer Co-op Application Package consists of the following documents:
□ A Cooperative Education Summer School Application form
□ Your Resumé
□ Paid Co-op Placement and Employer Information form – Only for students who wish to apply to use their summer job as their placement for earning the Co-op credit
Completed Application Packages must be emailed to by Friday, March 24, 2017.
Sorry, late applications cannot be considered.
What Happens After I Submit My Application?
You will be notified by email whether or not you are being considered for the summer co-op program. Students who are being considered will be contacted by a summer co-op teacher, who will arrange an interview to determine final acceptance.
What Happens If I Do Not Complete My Pre-Placement Assignments?
Pre-placement classes are a mandatory part of the cooperative education program. Pre-placement classes begin on Tuesday, July 4 and conclude on Wednesday, July 5, 2017. Students who do not complete pre-placement assignments are not eligible to begin their placements. Students who do not attend all of the pre-placement classes will be removed from the program.