
e-Summer School Registration Opens April 4th

TDSB e-Summer School is a FREE high school credit program for TDSB secondary school students who wish to pursue secondary school courses online. TDSB e-Summer School offers dozens of online courses available in July and August sessions.  

Registration for e-Summer school 2018 will start on April 4, 2018.

For a list of July and August course offerings, please click here.


How to Register:

Step 1: TDSB students log in to e-Reg to set an e-Reg account and request e-Summer School course. Except for CHV2O/ GLC2O, only ONE course will be processed per session.

Step 2: Make an appointment with your day school guidance counsellor.

Step 3:Your day school guidance counsellor will approve or deny your request.


What does e-learning look like?  Check out the video resources for a tour of the online classroom and the student's perspective.
