
Access to School Letter and Schedule by Grade

Grade 9s - Wednesday June 10

Grade 10s - Tuesday June 9

Grade 11s - Friday June 5 and Monday June 8

Grade 12s - Wednesday June 3 and Thursday June 4

The visiting guidelines and instructions will be followed:

·         Access will be 15 minutes in length

·         Access will be limited to a maximum of 75 students at any given time

·         Each student must enter  (back parking lot, door 3) and exit through (south parking lot, door 2)

·         Limited access to washrooms will be available (back main hallway)

·         While inside the school, everyone must practice social distancing and remain at least 6 feet away from others at all times.  Arrows will be on the floor to assist you.

·         Students must clean their hands upon entry and exit (hand sanitizer will be provided)

·         A limited number of masks will be available, so students are strongly encouraged to bring and wear their own face covering.

·         All staff and students must conduct and pass a self-assessment with no COVID-19 symptoms.  You will be asked on entry.

·         Attendance will be taken on entering and exiting the school.