
African Heritage Month – February

1. African Heritage Month Launch – February 1st, 2021

During the month of February, the Toronto District School Board is proud to recognize and celebrate African Heritage Month.  It is an occasion to recognize and celebrate the many achievements and contributions made by peoples of African descent to Canada and the world. The chosen theme for 2020-2021 is Kujichagulia: Self Determination.


We are delighted to share with you that a virtual launch will be taking place and you’re invited to attend!  Details are provided below and on the attached flyer.  

Date:               Monday, February 1st, 2021

Time:               1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Virtual Link:   https://tdsb-ca.zoom.us/s/98434421029

We do hope you’re available to join us!  


2. African Heritage Month - Know Your Worth Conference

We are emailing you on the behalf of the Know Your Worth Conference Committee, which is a team of TDSB staff, students and members of the Osgoode Hall Black Law Students’ Association. Our annual conference, being held this year on February 27th, 2021 from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm, is a chance for Black students to attend workshops that will empower, educate and create community throughout the day. The theme of the Know Your Worth Conference this year is Black Resistance. 


Attached to this email is a poster with information about the conference, and a  registration google form that will be open until registration closes on February 5th, 2021.  Students interested in performing in our talent show will need to complete ALL questions from sections 3-7, in order to register their act by February 5th, 2021.


Note these events and don’t miss these due dates.