
Quadmester 3 Update - Request to Switch to Virtual Learning Form

Students and their families who would like to switch to the virtual learning model in Quad 3 must submit a response by January 11, 2021 through the following Google Form link:


This change will take effect at the start of Quadmester 3 on February 8, 2021. Schools will prepare and finalize models in the coming days as we get a better sense of the number of students interested in learning virtually. Specific information will be shared ahead of the start of Quad 3.

Please note that all requests from students wishing to switch to a virtual option at their in-person school will be accommodated. However, in some cases, changes to desired courses in a specific quadmester may be required to align with availability and course offerings.

Note: Students who are registered for Quad 2 Virtual Learning at Wexford must complete this new form to submit a request for Virtual Learning in Quad 3.