
Frequently Asked Questions for the new 2021-2022 School Year

When is the first day of school? Is it a special schedule?

Thursday September 9 at 9am. Plan to arrive by 8:30am to give you time for any screening delays and figuring out where your classes are. Note that it is a regular full day.


How do I pay the SchoolCashOnline fees?

Please read the information here: https://www.wexfordcsa.ca/updates/2021/8/24/schoolcashonline-instructions

I missed the registration days last week. What should I do now?

The next registration and photo ID session is Thursday September 9 in the morning. 


What are my classes? How do I read my schedule?

Please check the TDSB Connects app as well as myBlueprint for your classes and course codes.

To read your schedule, please click to see Ms. Graham’s guide.


How do I make changes to my schedule?

 Note that many courses are now full with waiting lists.  Please contact your alpha guidance counsellor before Tuesday September 14 as that is the last day that we are considering elective timetable requests. We will attempt to resolve as many requests as possible by the end of the week, but no late timetable change requests will be considered after Tuesday September 14.

Last Names A to H: caz.graham@tdsb.on.ca

Last Names I to Q: holly.mcguire@tdsb.on.ca

Last Names R to Z: johnson.kong@tdsb.on.ca 

Please note that we are dealing with a significant number of e-mails and we are responding to them in sequence.

How do I access my TDSB e-mail and Brightspace for my classes?

The access to the TDSB e-mail and Brightspace system is through: aw.tdsb.on.ca

Username: 300-00X-XXX (this is the student number)

Password: XXXXDDMM@Tdsb

Shared Secret Password:  Last 4 digits of student number + day of birth + month of birth + @Tdsb

ex: 1234DDMM@Tdsb

Note: If a student requires a password reset to the shared secret, please e-mail johnson.kong@tdsb.on.ca using the TDSB-listed parent/guardian e-mail address.

Can I buy lunch at the Wexford Cafeteria?

There will be no cafeteria service until September 27, 2021.

If your student has a question or is lost/looking for classrooms, Ms. Graham and Mr. Kong will be just inside the front doors in front of the auditorium to help!