
24 HOURS Animation Contest - Wexford Team Wins 6th Place!

The 24 HOURS Animation Contest for Students challenges teams of 5 students to create a 30 second film based on a given theme in a designated 24 hour period. This year’s event featured the most participants in its 20-year history, attracting 290 teams (1450 students) from 130 schools in 17 countries across the world.

Wexford Collegiate School for the Arts sent two teams, and both the Grade 11 and Grade 12 teams worked tirelessly on their final projects. 

We're proud to announce that and the Grade 12 team of Greyson Bunbury, Izzy Strandberg, Loghan Kang, Noah Gruden and Anneta Bagenas placed sixth overall in the high-school category, which is even more impressive as this is the first time that Wexford has participated in this global competition.

Check out their animation submission below:

Wexford and its new Specialist High Skills Major program is one of two TDSB schools selected to pilot the use of Toon Boom Harmony Pro, a global industry standard software package made here in Canada. Congratulations to all our awesome students. 

Animation Magazine article about the contest: https://www.animationmagazine.net/2022/09/popular-24-hour-student-animation-contest-to-take-place-on-oct-14/

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/24hourscontest/