Lets Connect- About Mental Health & Well-being provides a forum to discuss wellness for parents, caregivers, guardians and students throughout the school year. This is a virtual series that allows us to come together to share ideas and culturally responsive resources and supports building mental health literacy for parents, caregivers and guardians to support their child(s) mental health and wellbeing. These conversations are led by Shameen Sandhu, Systems Leader for Mental Health & Professional Support Services, Mental Health Leads and Professional Support Staff (PSS).
Parents, caregivers, guardians, staff and community supporters, are invited to join us to hear parent voices and experiences, enhance mental health literacy and learn strategies to better support their child(s) mental health and well-being. The Keynote Speaker is Heidi Bornstein and special guest in one of the breakout room is Dr. Gajaria from CAMH.
The following topics will be discussed in small break-out rooms, facilitated by caregivers, parents and guardians, Professional Support Staff.
Coping with Pandemic
Social Media & technology safety
Understanding and Addictions Disorder as a result of the Pandemic
Coping with Child/Children with Complex Needs during the Pandemic
How to Reach out to Access Professional Support Staff
Staff to Demonstrate TDSB Mental Health Took Kits- Explore TDSB Mental Health Resources
Webinar Link: https://www.tdsb.on.ca/stream/LiveWebCast-Parentvoice.html