Wexford CSA School Council presents COMBATTING RACISM
TUESDAY, MAY 2, 2023
Council Meeting: 6:30PM- 7:00PM
Guest Speaker: 7:00PM-8:30PM
Wexford CSA Library or Virtual via Zoom
Register now: https://bit.ly/3mSoGyX
Difficult Dialogues on race and racism
By understanding how racism manifests in school systems and affects children; parents,
caregivers, teachers and caring adults can recognize systemic barriers that play a role in
outcomes. Join us for a 1.5 hour session, where guest speaker Marci Gray, MSW, RSW, will
provide an introduction to discussions on race and racism. The following topics are covered:
Our ideas around the terms race, racism, racist
Discomfort in discussions about racism
White fragility, white privilege, privilege with an assessment
How to initiate conversations around race
Stereotypes, prejudice & discrimination
Register now: https://bit.ly/3mSoGyX